There are all types of heat press machines available and each one serves a different function. In the descriptions and links below, you’ll see how these machines can benefit you when trying to decide which heat press is best suited for your needs.
- Clamshell Heat Press Machines — They call these ‘clam-shells’ because they open up in a manner that a clam shell does. There is a manual clam heat press and there is an automatic open clam press as well. The manual press operates like the one shown in the video above where you have to manually open and close the press. The automatic open heat press opens up automatically based on the timer you set. These machines have a hinge between the upper platen (the heating element) and the lower platen (the part where the garment lays). As seen in the video above, there is a handle that allows you to manually open and lock down the upper platen onto the lower one to provide the necessary pressure to transfer the designs onto your garments.
- Swinger and Draw Heat Press — On these type of heat press machines the upper platen (the heating element) swings away from the lower platen (the part where the garment lays). Since the heating element swings away, you’re free to move and manipulate your garments on the lower platen without fear of getting burned. Concerning a ‘draw heat press’, you have a lower platen that pulls out towards you. Laying out your garments can be done without the user reaching under the upper heated platen. This type of heat press machine involves a moveable work surface, requiring greater care to be taken to avoid designs shifting out of place before application.
- Low Rider Heat Press — This beauty of a machine is awesome… It’s small and compact and it’s great for labels on back of shirts. If you’re into printing on baby sized clothes or rompers, this machine is for you. Comes with 3 interchangeable custom platens.
- Cap Press — You’ll use this machine if you’re wanting to transfer designs onto caps of different sizes. This machine is made differently from the other types of heat press transfer equipment.