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hot fix Rhinestone Ironing process

Hot ironing, should wait for clothing and drill is to cool slightly, then fix the tape down gently, if found to be connected together by drilling off should carefully analyze the causes.

We cannot firmly adhered to the clothes, for several reasons, the correct analysis we can correctly process: 1 with high-temperature hurried off cause; 2 ironing attached itself has problems (such as smooth leather The production process of hot fix motifs), ironing attached too much dust or oil caused; 3 hot drilling rubber is not strong; 4 hot drilling without glue.

hot fix rhinestone transfer

hot fix rhinestone transfer for t shirt

Hot processing when ironing, on a single map should focus on examination, have a look have no shortage of hot drilling, drill, drill breakage. No matter how good processing, these problems are more or less, so it can be a check on the clothes before ironing. For these cases, the reserve drill replace the damaged or fill the damaged drill.

Hot pressing process, first of all should ensure that the attachment object (such as clothing fabrics) no dust, no pollution. (used in determining the drilling hot chip octagonal tablet type hot product to decorate your clothes, should first be advanced product testing, to ensure that the products can be firmly attached to the map attached itself).

The test of hot pressing parameters: the hot ironing shirt before, should be accurate test pressing pressure, pressing time, pressing temperature. Attached different hot itself, usage of different materials (such as hot drilling, hot chip hot fix motif, octagonal tablets, imported materials and domestic materials, not a drill size), will make the ironing parameters change, so should be tested in ironing, ironing and accurate temperature, time, pressure and other specific ironing parameters.

A final check: finished ironing, lack of drilling to find such as, application of forceps the same reserve drill flat on the clothes, and then iron in the drilling surface heating. 10 seconds, at the bottom of the melt glue drilling, drilling success

Only good attention to detail was able to complete the product, only to do a good job can make enterprise product!

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